Railway Signalling Designs

Railway Signalling Designs

Through this course,  Signalling Designs for Electronic Interlocking -Outdoor Signalling Designs  like Cable Core Plans,Bonding Plans, Cable Route Plans and Signalling Interlocking Plans,Route Control Charts, Indoor Circuits like Interface Circuits and Application Data for Indian Railways point of view are dealt in a generic way covering almost all similar zonal railway practices. Right from conveying the basic concepts of Railway Signaling to actually designing various Signalling products / systems, this course has it all. Aspects covering the complete design cycle, i.e. survey, design, bill of quantities, verification and validation, and finally as-built drawings shall be sufficiently addressed.

Course Information

Estimated Time: 60 Hours

Difficulty: Advanced

Course Instructor

Rajashekar .P Rajashekar .P Author

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